Does your organisation need to better manage your supplier related risk?

  • Is your business required to comply with regulatory and legislative requirements?
  • Do your business send information to, or rely on third parties to provide products and/or services?
  • Is your business implementing a risk management standard or framework, such as ISO/IEC 27001?
  • Is the process of assessing suppliers and other third parties cumbersome, often requiring many hours of review and spreadsheets?

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, xGRC® can help!

xGRC® simplifies the process of assessing and identifying risks within your supply chain and third parties through an easy to use platform.

View your third party risk profile easily.

We understand that managing a robust security and risk platform is difficult enough and through many years’ experience performing and responding to these types of assessments and audits, we saw the need to simply the tasks, but at the same time providing meaningful, easy to consume information.

Easily view your sent assessments and their progress.

xGRC® provides a number of assessments ‘out of the box’ based on industry standards and frameworks for information and cyber security, business continuity, modern slavery, and GDPR. This includes ISO/IEC27001:2022, ISO 22301:2019, NIST Cyber Security Framework, CSA Cloud Controls Matrix, Modern Slavery Act 2018, and the EU GDPR 2016/679. The platform also allows the creation of custom assessments.

It takes less than 5 minutes to get started and its FREE!